Corrections Policy

At Oil & Gas Awards Platform, we are committed to providing our readers with accurate and reliable Content. We understand that maintaining the journalistic standards involves quickly resolution of any errors in our published content. Our corrections policy outlines the steps we take to ensure transparency and accountability.

Identifying Errors

If an error is identified in our content, whether by our editorial team, readers, or external sources, we take immediate steps to investigate and verify the issue. We highly appreciate our readers’ feedback to notify any kind of errors they notice to our attention.

Reporting Errors

Readers who notice inaccuracies in our articles are encouraged to report them to our corrections team. Please email us at with the following details:

  • The title and URL of the article in question
  • A description of the error
  • Any supporting evidence or sources that highlight the discrepancy

Correction Process

Once an error is reported, our editorial team conducts a thorough review to verify the claim. If the error is confirmed, we take the following steps:

  1. Correction Notice: A correction notice is added at the top or bottom of the article, clearly stating the nature of the error and the corrected information. The notice includes the date the correction was made.
  2. Content Update: The article is promptly updated with the accurate information. In cases where major changes are required, the article may be temporarily or permanently removed from the site until the corrections are completed.
  3. Acknowledgment: If the error was brought to our attention by a reader or external source, we acknowledge their contribution in the correction notice, provided they consent to being named.

Transparency and Accountability

We believe in full transparency when addressing errors. Our corrections &  fact checking policy are designed to be clear and visible, ensuring our readers are aware of any changes made to our content. Significant corrections may also be highlighted in a dedicated section or follow-up article to ensure our audience is well-informed.

Continuous Improvement

To minimize chances of errors and improve our editorial processes, we conduct regular reviews and provide training for our team.

For any corrections or inquiries regarding our policy, please Contact Us  or reach out to us at

Again At Oil & Gas Awards Platform, we value our readers’ trust and are committed to maintaining the highest level of accuracy in our news coverage. Thank you to all our readers for helping us uphold these standards.