Fact Checking Policy

At Oil & Gas Awards Platform, we are Committed to deliver highly accurate and reliable information to our valuable readers. Our fact-checking policy ensures that content published on our portal meets the journalism ethics & Content accuracy. Below are the points from where, we maintain our commitment to readers:

Verification of Content Source

We use multiple reliable sources to verify the information we publish. Our fact checking team cross-checks data from industry reports, reputable media sources, Various government press releases, and expert interviews to ensure accuracy.

Consultation With Experts 

When covering complex topics or emerging trends, we consult industry experts and professionals to provide informed perspectives. This ensures our readers receive well-rounded and authoritative insights on various aspects.

Pre-Publication Review

All articles undergo a thorough review process before publication. Our editors review the facts, figures, and statements to confirm their authenticity. Any discrepancies are addressed and resolved to maintain our high standards.

Correction Policy

Eventually if  an error is identified in our published content, we take immediate action to correct it. Corrections are transparently noted at the bottom of the article, clearly outlining the nature of the error and the rectified information.

Reader Engagement

We encourage our readers to participate in our fact-checking process. If you come across any information on our portal that you believe to be inaccurate, please contact us at feedback@oilandgasawards.com. We value your input and strive to promptly response.

Continuous Improvement

We regularly update our fact-checking practices to adapt to new challenges and maintain our commitment to excellence. Our team undergoes continuous training to stay informed about the latest fact-checking techniques and industry standards.

At Oil & Gas Awards Platform , truth and accuracy is the core of our journalistic integrity. Our fact-checking policy reflects our commitment to providing our readers trustworthy figures & Content.