Centrelink Special Payment 2024: Know Who is Eligible, Payment Amount & Dates

The Services Australia distributes a Centrelink Special Payment 2024 to the citizens. This payment is transferred directly in bank accounts to eligible beneficiaries. Claimants Needs to provide enough credentials of eligibility to claim Centrelink Special Payment . Along with Australian citizens, the Ukrainian nationals can also have access to the Centrelink Special Payment in 2024. This payment is a short time financial assistance from the government to help the citizens cope with extremely difficult financial circumstances due to inability to change that. To know more about Centrelink Special Amount, Eligibility & Payment Dates go through this entire article.

What is Centrelink Special Payment 2024?

When all other Service Australia payments are provided to the residents, all their financial needs are fulfilled for time being. But there are hundreds of citizens who cannot be eligible for other payments due to various reasons still they are in need to dire financial assistance. In order to provide financial assistance to the ones who cannot have access to any other Service Australia payments, this special payment is started.

If you have come to the country from war torn Ukraine and have nothing to make both ends meet, then you do not need to worry about because the Centrelink Special Payment is made accessible to you on the basis of your Visa types. Then you are also not required to meet other income and asset limits just your visa will determine the benefits for you. When you are getting special payments, you can make demands for weekly payments rather than usual fortnightly payments.

Centrelink Special Payment 2024 Quick Highlights

Title Centrelink Special Payment
Concerned Department The Services Australia
Country Name Australia
Category Government Financial Aid
Payment Amount $987 per fortnight (Maximum)
Official Website www.servicesaustralia.gov.au

Centrelink Special Payment 2024- Know Who is Eligible, Payment Amount & Dates

Who is Eligible for Centrelink Special Payment?

The Eligibility Conditions For Centrelink Special Payment in 2024 is listed below.

  • One Should be Australian citizen and have temporary visa or an Australian resident younger than 16
  •  Must meet the income and asset limits criteria.
  • The prospective person is in financial hardship
  • The department of veteran affairs does not give you any of the benefits
  • The circumstances are such that you cannot earn enough for your family and yourself
  • The current bank balance is not more than $5000.
  • If You are unable to make improvements in your financial position
  • The income is always less than the special benefit fortnightly payment

If you are older than 16 and not temporary or permanent resident of country, you cannot avail this special payment in any case. Though you can have centrelink payments but this is not accessible to you.

How much is the Centrelink Special Payment?

  • Usually the special payment is equal to the job seeker or youth allowances payments. And these payments are largely determined by your condition. The condition such as whether you are single, married, have kids, have dependent parents and other legal dependents whom you have to provide will decide the benefit amount for you.
  • The individuals with having no children will be getting $762 while single with having dependent children will be getting $816 as the special payment.
  • If you have a common law partner and married, then the benefits might be $698 per fortnight for you.
  • If there are other obligations for you, the amount of special payment will be increased for you as per the case.

Special Payment for Ukrainian Refugees

The special payment is available for the Ukrainian refugees as well. This benefit will be provided to you on the behalf of humanitarian assistance depending on your visa type. If you are one of the following visa holders, then you are suitable for this special benefit

  • Initially the Ukrainian receive support on the basis of Temporary Humanitarian stay visa subclass 449 though now in mid of 2024, the applications for new entrants is closed. So you cannot apply for it.
  • Again this Temporary Humanitarian concern visa subclass 786 provided ground for the payment but now it is also closed for the new entrants.
  • The only remaining visa is Bridging Visa E (subclass 050 or subclass 051) granted to the individuals on or after 1st of August 2022.

The first two visa types also make you eligible for various other benefits such as medical care facilities, child support, disability payment and so on except Centrelink Special Payments.

How to Apply for Special Benefit Centrelink 2024?

First of all, you need to have an online account on Centrelink linked to mygov. In case you cannot do this by yourself, then you can have a correspondence nominee for you. Then on your behalf, other people can make claims for you but they have to have their own accounts then.

Make the following ready

  • Birth certificate or proof of Australian citizenship
  • Bank statement for the last three months of all the accounts you have including overseas accounts if you have one
  • Tax file number of the beneficiary from taxation office

Now link your centrelink online account with the Mygov account and then follow

  1. Sign in to mygov
  2. Select from “view claim status or make a claim”
  3. Choose “make a claim”
  4. Now click on the “other payment” options and get started for the next step
  5. Now apply for the special benefit and go accordingly to get a successful Centrelink Special Payment

You can follow the official website of the Services Australia for further information regarding the Centrelink Special Payment 2024.

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